Example :
Table 1(bold)
Prevalence of religious people in the population of European countries (ESS, 2018) (italic)
Chart 1(bold)
Distribution of income by age categories (Serbia, ESS, 2018) (ESS, 2018) (italic)
Citing Web Pages In-Text:
Arrange alphabetically all the sources cited in the text.
Reference list should only contain sources cited in the text.
Reference to a book, one author: Author's Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial, Year, Title of book (italic), Place of Publication, Publisher.
Format: Author, A. A. (date). Title of book. Location: Publisher.
Example: Giddens, A. (1990). Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Format: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (date). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
Example: Bourdieu, P. and Wacquant, L. (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Example: Bennett, T., et al. (2009). Culture, Class, Distinction. London: Routledge.
Reference to a book chapter: Author's Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial, Year, Title of chapter or section, Editor(s), (the word “editor(s)”), Title of book (italic), Place of publication, Publisher, Start page-end page of chapter.
Format: Author, A. A. (date). Title of chapter. In: Editor, A. (ed.). Title of book. Location: Publisher (xxx-xxx)
Example: Pateman, C. (1988). The Fraternal Social Contract. In: Keane, J. (ed.). Civil Society and the State. London: Verso Press (101-125).
Reference to a journal article: Author's Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial, Year, Title of article, Title of Journal (italic), volume number, issue number, pages.
Format: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal xxx(x):xxx–xxx.
Example: Kateb, G. (1987). Death and Politics: Hannah Arendt’s Reflections on the American Constitution. Social Research 54(3):605-616.
If more works by the same author are cited, references should be arranged according to the year of publication, from oldest to newer. References to works of the same author published in the same year should be written in alphabetical order by titles, adding the small letter of the alphabet to the year of publication, for example: (1995a), (1995b).
Reference to a webpage or piece of online content
If the page names an individual author, cite their name first:
Format: Author, A. A. (Date). Title of article. Site name. URL
Example: Bilefsky, D., and Austen, I. (22.10.2019). Trudeau Re-election Reveals Intensified Divisions in Canada. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/22/world/canada/trudeau-re-elected.html..
If the page's author is not listed, start with the title instead.
Title of article. (Date). Site name. URL
If the date of publication is not listed, use the date of modification or the date you accessed the page with a note.
Title of article. (Date of modification /Accessed Date). Site name. URL